Serve on Sunday Mornings
Sunday mornings have plenty of ways to serve one another as acts of worship. Explore these opportunities below:

Our adult choir serves our congregation by regularly offering their voices in choir anthems and other sung worship. They rehearse on Wednesday nights at 6pm and then at 8:30am on Sundays. For more information, please email our Director of Music, Sue Jorgensen or call the church.

Coffee Fellowship
Every Sunday after our worship service, we stick around together to get to know one another and catch up with familiar faces over coffee/tea and a treat. Each week, we need a few volunteers to help serve in the kitchen, bake or buy treats, and tidy up afterwards. For more information, email Nancy Goodwin or call the church.

Contemporary Worship Band
Our Contemporary Worship Band leads our contemporary worship on Sunday mornings and is always looking for voices or instrumentalists who can help lead the church in song. If you’re interested, please email Lisa Sturtz or call the church

Our greeters help everyone who enters our walls know they’re welcome at our church. They serve as often as they would like. If you’d like to join our Greeters Team, email our Director of Discipleship, Steve Piper or call the church.

Our nursery volunteers help care for the youngest in our church family during Sunday worship. After a background check, our volunteers serve as often as they’re able and willing. For more information, email our Director of Children’s Ministries, Andrea Riemann or call the church.

Sound and Tech
Every Sunday, we need a volunteer or two to help run our sound and slides. No prior experience is needed and staff can help to guide you through how things work. For more information, email the church office or call the church.

Usher Team
Our team of ushers assist with Sunday morning worship by handing out bulletins as people come in, helping to collect the offering, and preparing the sanctuary for the service. If you’re interested, email our Director of Discipleship, Steve Piper or call the church.
Serve During the Week
God's Kingdom work isn't just on Sundays.
Explore some ways you can volunteer during the week!

Answering the Phone
During the week, our church office occasionally needs volunteers to help answer phone calls and take messages. If you’re interested in being on a list of possible substitutes, please email the church office or call the church.

Our Decorating team helps beautify our church sanctuary, changing our decorations and colors to help match the church calendar and the seasons. If you’d be interested in joining, email the church office or call the church.

Discipling Kids (K-5th)
Help us nurture the faith of our youngest disciples. We always need teens or adults to help during KidZone afterschool (Wednesdays, 3-5:30pm). Not available on Wednesday? Serve at Kids Church (Sundays, 10-11am). If you’re interested in learning more, email our Director of Children’s Ministries, Andrea Riemann or call the church.

Discipling Students (6th-12th)
Our middle and high school students meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm-8pm. At this pivotal time of their faith, we’re always looking for adults who feel called to help them navigate through it. If you’d like to volunteer or just to learn more, email our Director of Discipleship, Steve Piper or call the church.

Our church grounds are kept diligently by our Head of Property, Ryan, and a handful of dedicated volunteers. If you’ve got a green thumb or don’t mind lending a hand outside, email Ryan Grimmius or call the church.